Happy Mother’s Day to My Mommy and Mom-in-law

I admit it. I’m a bad daughter. I didn’t do a card this year. I haven’t sent mom her gift. I’m just an all around bad daughter.

You’ve been very special to me. You’ve put up with a lot from me over the years. But through all my mischeivous toddler years, into my uncertain elementary years, and on into my rebellious teen years, you’ve been there. You are now a great friend. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for always being there. I’m so glad to have you on my side and always a phone call away when Liam gets into something!

Love you,

I do have your gift, I just haven’t sent it to you. Here’s a picture! For all those who “aren’t” my mother and are wondering what it is, I made a scrapbook page about two years ago and put it in a frame. The next year I gave her another scrapbook page with a scrapbook album so that she could put the previous picture in the scrapbook and the new page in the frame. All the pictures are recent for the time and are usually taken around Easter. So, over time, she’ll have a big album and be able to see how much the kids have grown each year.

And for my mom-in-law, thank you for raising Mark! He is such a wonderful husband and a great father. I am so grateful that he had a mother to raise him to know Christ and how to care for me (and all my “high maintenance” issues) and our wonderful children. You are a blessing. I hope you enjoy the above page because yours is similar!

We love you!
Abbie (and Zoe, Ace, Liam and Josiah)


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