Our Anniversary…what a weird day!

Mark and I celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary yesterday. We are going out of town this coming weekend so it was low key. But, I planned a nice big dinner and I kept the kids up so they’d go to bed early.

This is how it all went down:

I was exhausted after keeping them up all day. It hailed…yes, hailed right as Mark was coming home. Fortunately, he didn’t get caught in any of it since it was moving in a different direction. He got home, we parted and I headed to get some extra stuff at Target while he went to get gas for the grill with the kids. I didn’t find what I needed at Target but we met up at home. I finished the kids supper and he gave them a bath.

While they ate, I tried to make frosting for our dessert. Unfortunately, the butter exploded while I was trying to melt it in the microwave. Before that I pulled out a new stoneware pan to cook the potatoes on and when I poured the warm potatoes on the hot pan it busted! Got all that done…then I got the potatoes in a metal pan and stuck them in the oven (they were yummy roasted new potatoes). We got the kids bathed, fed, and we did our family worship. In the meantime the potatoes got done and Mark headed to turn them off. I kept smelling a burning smell and as we were putting the kids down, I went to the kitchen, thinking the potatoes were still cooking a little too much while the oven cooled down. Nope, Mark had accidentally turned the oven on to broil! Burnt potatoes, smokey and stinky house. Yikes!

After that, it went well. God blessed us with no rain while he grilled our New York Strips! I have a great marinade, which is what I crave in a good steak and we both were stuffed! We ended the night with dessert and watching our wedding video and commenting about how “country” we used to sound…although people don’t tell us that often.

We always have memorable holidays and special events!


1 thought on “Our Anniversary…what a weird day!

  1. Congrats on 8 years! Can it really have been that long?

    By the way… how country you “used to sound”? I beg to differ — I’ve heard your recent videos. 🙂 However, my frame of reference is much different up here in Yankeeville aka Philadelphia.

    Congrats again and good luck to 8 or 80 more!

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