So, How Do You Do It? Part 2

Since I can’t get my computer to cooperate with pictures for now, I’ll post this.

I must confess that I did not learn how to wash clothes until I was living on my own, three months before I got married. Mark, actually, had to come over and teach me at my apartment coin drop machines! So, laundry expert I’m not.

Here’s how it goes down at my house…my secret tools…the kids! Zoe learned how to load a washing machine when she was about 18 months old. She also showed interest in loading the dryer which was great, since I was pregnant with Ace and couldn’t bend very well, so I handed her the clothes and she put them in the dryer. Now, Ace can operate the washing machine. Zoe can run the washing machine and is learning how to use the dryer. Ace and Zoe can sort clothes. Liam is learning via Zoe’s teaching (the older teach the young is a great method, although Liam requires a little more supervision as he’s a little more strong willed). The only thing I (or Mark…whoever gets to it first) has to do is fold the clothes and if I can get my act in gear, Zoe will be learning this as well.

I have tubs labeled with their names that I put their clothes in. They take the clothes to their room and I put the younger ones clothes away. Ace is learning where his clothes go and Zoe can put her own away including hanging most of them.

Now, here’s how we do it. In a typical week, I wash clothes (including sheets and towels) twice. Our laundry days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Of course, we adjust as needed when we go out of town, etc. I wash towels every Tuesday and sheets are washed every other Friday, unless there’s an accident or someone was sick (which can sometimes happen). On laundry days we typically do three to four loads…that’s it. I don’t have a super duper large washing machine nor do I have two of them. Somehow, it always works out. Sometimes, especially in the summer, we only have two loads on a wash day. I guess mostly because if the kids get their clothes dirty, I don’t rush out and change them right away. I will change them if they are dirty enough or if we’re going somewhere, but that is not typical for us. Mark, also, doesn’t throw every single thing he wears in the dirty clothes basket. That may be gross but if he’s wearing his house pants, it’s only for a few hours a day as opposed to his work clothes which are on 9 plus hours.

For stained clothes, I typically do those with the wash about once a week, or when I remember. We were having such a problem with stained clothes being mixed with regular clothes without getting treated. I tried everything but the best solution for us is to have a plastic tub labeled “Stained Clothes” in the boys’ bathroom. Mark gives the boys’ a bath each night so when they take off stained clothes he throws them in the tub (if he remembers). I can then treat them before they’re washed and we’re good. Still, we have clothes that miss and get thrown in with the regular wash before being treated and I have lost a few cute things to that.

So, that’s a week of laundry for us. Anyone want to include their ideas and what works for them…just leave a comment.


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