Still Dealing

We’re still in the midst of the sickies. Ace was pretty okay all day yesterday. Temp only got up to 99.6 and came down on its own. He woke up this morning saying he still felt bad, which to me meant he was wanting some sympathy words and treatment. At least that’s what I thought. He climbed on the couch after breakfast and proceeded to distribute his breakfast contents all over the couch. I got a towel pretty quickly (but not before he had finished) and rushed him off to a bathroom. Then, I tried to start cleaning up the mess.

My gag reflex is in full gear with this pregnancy and I didn’t quite make the clean up before I got sick too. Ughh!

I did get Ace in the shower and the couch wiped down, though. It’s easier to do on an empty stomach.

I also got a puke bucket ready (you know, a plastic trashcan that’s been cleaned out…I’m so sympathetic to the sick) and planted him back on the couch. He’s gotten sick one more time (but hit the bucket) and now his stomach is empty. He even told me he was done throwing up. We’ll see what happens when I put food in his mouth.

We’re just very grateful it’s not something else. I was thinking it might be Fifth’s disease which is not something I really need to get while pregnant, but when he started “releasing” his food, I knew we were in the clear for the good ol’ nasty stomach bug that’s going around.

So, instead of traveling tomorrow (and possibly at all this weekend), we’ll be having Thanksgiving here again.

I’m off to start preparing our meal. I love traditional Thanksgiving food and even more so now that I’m confident I can make it!


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