Saturday evening “Mommy’s Away” update

Well, our busy day is done…not much to do after naptime except eat supper and play outside for a little bit before the rain hit. One big rain so far and just a little bit of thunder and lightning. Looks like there is much more to come, though, during the night. That means Zoe will sleep very well.

Abbie seemed to be enjoying her trip. She said she had completed ~30 scrapbook pages. I really hope and pray those ladies have enjoyed themselves. They all deserve this kind of opportunity. It has really hit me these last two days the weight Abbie carries as she cares for the kids and takes care of our household. Even though this is not the first time I’ve had the kids by myself overnight, it’s always good for me to have this time with them as I remember and realize anew how wonderful and special my sweet wife is. She not only deals with all the questions and booboo’s and fits and attitudes and expectations and needs of the kids, there is a list of other thing she does, too. The list includes the following: planning meals, ensuring groceries are bought to fix those meals, regular doctor’s appointments, Zoe’s ballet classes, Zoe’s speech therapy, sick kids & the corresponding doctor’s visits, MOPs leader, her Character Creations card business, washing clothes, cleaning the house (except the floors), nourishing a -3 month old baby (that would be 6 months in utero, or ~26 weeks pregnant), etc., etc., etc., and last but not least putting up with me when I get home from work.

Thank you, Abbie, for all you do. Thank you for the love and devotion and care you show our family. Thank you for the example you are setting for Zoe. Thank you for loving me.

Okay, enough of the sappy stuff…Abbie’s back tomorrow…I’m sure she’ll post something about her trip eventually.



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