Bless your heart…

I forgot to add a story about my outing on Friday. I’ll do that but first, I must say that was Mark that hijacked the blog and put Roll Tide…I’ll second it though! Also, Liam is now running a fever and acting generally sick.

Now to my story…

As I stood in line at Wal-Mart (which wasn’t too long) the conversation generally returned to how many children I had and how old they were. This was with the ladies behind me. So I told them and continued to get my stuff on the belt to check out. One of the ladies got a pretty sad/disgusted look on her face.

“Ah, well, bless your heart.”

I looked her dead in the eye and smiled and said, “Well, yes, it has been blessed.”

Her sad looked turned a little more disgusted and I got flustered, as usual, but checked out and left.

While I was walking in the parking lot, I realized, I did’t have my wedding band on nor was it on the necklace (since they don’t fit on my hands now). I had completely forgot to put it on at 5:00 that morning! I was horrified and rather embarrassed and almost ran back in to the store just to make a comment about my husband!!!


Black Friday

Oh yeah, count me as one of the “crazys” getting out at the crack of dawn (actually around 5 so it was before dawn) and maneuvering my way through the crowds to get deals and things I needed for Christmas and beyond. At least I wasn’t like the people I saw Thursday night camped out at Best Buy (with tents and all).

Anyway, I got some good deals and finished up some Christmas shopping. I was flying solo as Mark stayed home with the kids (I’m crazy but not crazy enough to bring them out that early) and my family was away, far away from our germs!

My prize finds were vaccum cleaners for the kids at $9 a piece. I’m not talking about play vaccuums either. These are the real deal. I thought about wrapping them up and giving them to them for a Christmas gift, but then wondered how they might look back on that when they get older and realize it was for work, not play. There were three different colors too. My only regret is not getting Josiah one. He got pretty testy when everyone else had one and he didn’t. I told him not to fret, they would all get to use them.

When I brought them in, the kids thought it was Christmas and got all excited. They had to vaccuum and continued to do so while I took a shower. Ahhh, my floors are so clean now. They haven’t gotten to vaccuum today but have been asking for it all day.

Child labor…nah, it’s all for fun right?!



Sure that’s some sort of weird movie I never saw…but it’s also the number of career wins my dad has had in his 42 years as a coach!

They won last night and are headed to the semi-finals. Are we thrilled?!! Yes, very much so. We were able to watch some of the game on the internet and enjoyed seeing and cheering them on from our home.

Congrats Dad…let’s make it 302!!!


And back to Ace

Happy Thanksgiving first of all! We’ve had a nice time at home. The kids were all well enough to enjoy our meal of turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, watergate salad, and green beans. They all ate without complaining and even got some apple cake for dessert. After lunch, we headed out to get our Christmas tree in anticipation of being out of town this weekend for dad’s football game and visiting family.

However, after naptime, Ace started looking puny and his temp was going back up. Needless to say, our plans have changed and we’ll enjoy a weekend at home getting the house ready for Christmas and finishing up “the girls’ room” for Zoe and Ceili Rain (except when I went to Micheal’s this evening, I couldn’t find three ‘i’s for her name on the door…that’ll come later).

We’re flexible and pretty much used to someone getting sick on the holidays…so it’s not that big a deal.

I hate missing my dad’s game. If they win, this will be his 300th career win. This is also the team that knocked them out of the playoffs in the quaterfinals and this is the quarterfinals. It should be a really good game and a good challenge for his team. I told my mom to call me after every quarter so we can keep up with the score! I’m also going to try and find a way to listen on line. Ain’t the internet great!!?


Next Up…

Zoe’s turn. She’s been complaining all morning she was cold. While we were working on canvasses (small ones…hello all, I don’t paint!) to go in her room, she was breathing funny and kept taking deep breaths, a sure sign her temp was rising…and it was. I sent her to bed to lie down and told her the paintings could wait. Up until I realized she had a temp, she kept painting away insisting she was alright. Poor girl…she’s just like me!


Still Dealing

We’re still in the midst of the sickies. Ace was pretty okay all day yesterday. Temp only got up to 99.6 and came down on its own. He woke up this morning saying he still felt bad, which to me meant he was wanting some sympathy words and treatment. At least that’s what I thought. He climbed on the couch after breakfast and proceeded to distribute his breakfast contents all over the couch. I got a towel pretty quickly (but not before he had finished) and rushed him off to a bathroom. Then, I tried to start cleaning up the mess.

My gag reflex is in full gear with this pregnancy and I didn’t quite make the clean up before I got sick too. Ughh!

I did get Ace in the shower and the couch wiped down, though. It’s easier to do on an empty stomach.

I also got a puke bucket ready (you know, a plastic trashcan that’s been cleaned out…I’m so sympathetic to the sick) and planted him back on the couch. He’s gotten sick one more time (but hit the bucket) and now his stomach is empty. He even told me he was done throwing up. We’ll see what happens when I put food in his mouth.

We’re just very grateful it’s not something else. I was thinking it might be Fifth’s disease which is not something I really need to get while pregnant, but when he started “releasing” his food, I knew we were in the clear for the good ol’ nasty stomach bug that’s going around.

So, instead of traveling tomorrow (and possibly at all this weekend), we’ll be having Thanksgiving here again.

I’m off to start preparing our meal. I love traditional Thanksgiving food and even more so now that I’m confident I can make it!


You know it’s a holiday when…

one of my kids is sick!! This long standing tradition on my side of the family to have at least one child sick. I’ve inherited this tradition it seems.

So, it’s Ace’s turn. He woke up a little groggy and still but perked up through our pillow diving event and then went back down hill. No fever until right at bedtime. I knew he wasn’t feeling good when he didn’t care to see the pictures in our Little House book. He also climbed into bed and went to sleep during family worship.

Poor guy…I’ll keep everyone posted.


The Iron Saga

Sad but true, my iron broke. I don’t mean, oh it stopped working, I mean it broke…while I was ironing. The temperature knob fell out and the metal started detaching from the plastic. (Insert tears of pain here)

Now, if you know me and my family, you will know that I do not iron on a regular basis. Mark goes “casual business” to work…which means khakis and a golf shirt. And you have to be crazy if you think I buy my kids clothes that need ironing on a regular basis. Oh, yes, on occasion there are Sunday outfits that have to be ironed because throwing them in the dryer for a quick few minutes didn’t work…not a big deal…but I just don’t iron. I thought I was alone on this until I was relating my latest iron saga and soon discovered I was not alone…oh yes, there are others.

I do, however, use my iron when sewing and I prewash the material and need to iron out the wrinkles, etc (the dryer doesn’t cut it with just flat fabric for some reason). So, back to yesterday afternoon, I was finishing up Ceili Rain’s nursing cover and some stuff for a Christmas party on Saturday (I know it’s before Thanksgiving, we’re all really busy during the Christmas season and it’s nice having time to do it before Christmas, so I guess we could call it a holiday party, except that it’s for our Sunday school class and that’s sacreligious or something)…anyway. I was trying to get some things ironed to send on to church last night and the temperature control thing just fell out. I thought I could keep going but I just couldn’t push it along and gave up.

When I told Mark, I could see the wheels turning as he plotted out how he could fix it…engineer that he is. But, I politely informed him that thing had to be over 10 years old and was a lower end model and had served us well the 20 times we’ve used it (in the past eight years). He agreed and I got a $13 iron at Wal-Mart last night. Iron Saga over…I hope.
