Ryker Waller Update

From her father:

I dont even know where to begin. First, our daughter Ryker is in heaven smiling down at Keeli and I. She is also smiling down at all of you who have been touched by her. Saying thank you to our family, friends and even total strangers who have offered support does not come close to doing it justice. From the bottom of our hearts I give you all ultimate thanks for your prayers and support. Our daughter who lived 5 days touched more people in her brief life than I have touched my 32 years. She caused people to come together, to pray, and to grow closer to not only one another but to Christ. Keeli and I are not sad. We are excited and happy!! Ryker changed Keeli and I beyond measure. She became a Mommy and I became a Daddy and that will never change. Our daughter will always be with us. I would like to challenge everyone who offered support and prayers to continue to pray, continue to grow closer to your loved ones, your children, and your friends. Life is so precious and short. Life is fragile, so dont waste time with the crap that brings you down. Love your spouse, love your children, love your family, love your friends!! Let our Ryker always be in your spirit to remind you of these things. May you always rember the impact a small little girl, who was alive for just 5 days had on people all over the world. Do not be sad for Keeli and I, be happy, because we are new parents. Be happy because we just got to spend 5 wonderful days with our daughter. It was five amazing days that we would not trade for anything. In the NICU they say that babies leave as either miracles or angels. Ryker was an exception to this saying. She left as both a miracle and an angel. We are going to have a celebration service sometime in the near future and I would like to invite anyone who was touched by our Ryker to come and celebrate with us. God Bless!!

God at Work–Baby Ryker Update

This afternoon Ryker Waller’s blood pressure started to get very low.  Prayers were sent up even more.  Doctors were unable to give her any other meds to help with the blood pressure.  Praising God…He said Yes and has allowed her blood pressure to stabilize.  Her lungs and heart have remained steady throughout the night and day.  Please continue to pray for this little baby.  If you are a facebook fan, you can go to my profile page and see a video of Ryker’s Super-mama, Keeli,  reading her a story and if you’re half as emotional as me…grab a box of tissue.


Prayers for Baby Ryker

Ryker Elise Waller was born Thursday not breathing.  She is the daughter of a girl who’s father coached on the same staff as my father.  After performing CPR, they realized her abdomen was hard and proceeded to take her to surgery and remove a tumor the size of a fist.  Bleeding was a major issue at the time but now, the concerns are on her blood pressure, breathing, kidney function.  The bleeding has slowed down.  Through the magic of Facebook our family has been able to keep up with how Ryker is doing.  Current status is:  She is maxed out on her meds.  Her veins are blown making IVs near impossible to put in to administer meds. 

The doctors have stated there is nothing else they can do.  So, the family and friends are continuing to pray to the Great Physician.  She has and will always be in God’s hand for His glory.  This is day four of her life and her parents are continuing to pray that her lift will continue and her story will be able to bring glory and honor to God.  She is remaining strong and is fighting for her little life.

Please pray for this dear little one and her parents, Keeli and Dwain, and all their family who is surrounding them.  I will post as soon as I get updates.


Oh Canada!

I can see by the concerned emails, comments, that everyone missed me!

We traveled to Alabama to visit family this past weekend and scooted it out of there on Monday passing several utility trucks and disaster relief teams headed way south. Oh yes, there will be pictures, after I finish all the other stuff!

It looks like Mark and I will be headed to Canada in October to help our mission minister and his wife as they give a marriage conference and visit with several families there. We are officially locked in with tickets!

I went today to get my passport with what has to be the world’s worst passport photo. I’m trying to keep in spirit with my driver’s license photo.

I’m excited but very nervous that I will allow myself to go before me…not God. Lots of prayer there please.


Isn’t it lovely…

(Mark’s comments in yellow – 11:59 pm)
Let’s see, it’s 11:30 p.m. right now and I’m sitting at the edge of my computer chair because it’s piled with books, while Mark is using the wet/dry vac in the utility room to vacuum up the remaining three to four inches (more like 3/4 of an inch before any intervention) of water. He hasn’t started in the playroom/schoolroom/office area yet, but it’s a smaller area so it may not take too long (the carpet & bookshelves in this area got pretty wet – vac got up majority and fans are now working on the rest; got the concrete dry, now for the pad). Mark ran the diapers through one cycle and on the next cycle it never stopped filling up. We’re not sure what’s happened but he caught it when he was going in there to get Sunny some food (45 minutes ? later). We are thanking God that it didn’t happen with me here with the kids all alone tomorrow, because I was breaking from the norm and planning to do laundry tomorrow.

I’m going to see if I can find the culprit that caused the washing machine overflow. Hopefully, we’ll be getting to bed before 1! I’m already praying that tomorrow goes okay because we’re going to have to close off the playroom, which is where we all spend most of our day and Ace is on restriction from doing anything remotely fun and entertaining except look at books. I think a trip somewhere fun is in order (limited fun for Ace, though)!

Well, the old “InterWeb” says that it is probably a bad water level switch or some junk in an air tube connected the load size knob. If I had to guess, I would guess the junk route. Clothes with pockets+small kids+busy adults=it’s likely some junk. Pray for my troubleshooting skills and that I can stay awake at work tomorrow.


Adoption Update

We will be meeting with our case worker in the next few weeks to go through our homestudy stuff! I should not, but am continuing to be amazed at how God is working in all of this. Here’s a very small example (but considering gas prices it’s pretty big). We mailed off our homestudy application almost two weeks ago. Since the agency we’re using is in state, and close to where relatives are, I thought for sure it would get there and we would hear from the agency within the week. However, we didn’t. I felt God just telling me to wait on Him, so I did. We got a call this past Saturday from the case worker. It just so happens that she has two other families in our area that she is visiting on a certain day and she can come to our place too! That means that her mileage reimbursement will be split three ways. I have to say I was not really looking forward to paying for miles since that adds to our mounting adoption costs! Now, it won’t be that bad. Also, I thought we had to do two in home visits and one office visit, but we only have one home visit (one mileage fee) and two office visits (which are fine because I want to go where she is and do some touristy things as well!

Another praise: We got rain! After no rain for over a month, this was a wonderful blessing. It rained and stormed almost all afternoon and it was wonderful. It’s sprinkling now.



our two new nephews! Yep, that’s right…that brings the total of grands for Papa and Grandmere to three sweet princesses and seven little knights!

Aunt B was able to deliver without a c-section. Uncle B delivered the babies with the doctor assisting! Babies and mom are doing great. We received a text about 12 that their sugar levels needed to go up. Not sure if that was before or after we talked to Papa but Papa had told us that they were not in NICU!

I’m not going to give names until I can get the correct spellings etc…no pictures yet either…cuz we don’t have any…hello, people…we live like seven hours away 🙂

Thanks to everyone for your prayers. Oh, here’s their weights: 4 lbs 14 oz (almost made it to five) and 6 lbs 2 oz.

Please continue to pray for them, that they continue to grow and are healthy until they are allowed to go home.
