Ceili Rain’s Five Months

A week late, but here it is! Ceili Rain’s now five months old! Among her other adventures of traveling, and family time and getting new clothes via mama’s sewing machine…she’s now laughing…watching her brothers and sister (which she loves to do) and eating her homemade rice cereal and applesauce…started last week. She isn’t napping as much as she needs to (we know htis because she’s pretty cranky at night before bed), but we’re working on it. She still sleeps about 5 to 6 hours at night before nursing. She has also been enjoying working her abs. She does these little sit ups where she lifts her head up as high as she can go. She was just doing it in her bouncy seat. Now, she does it when she’s on the floor. I think it’s quite sad that her abs are in better shape than mine.

And yes, Aunt B, I finally took the plunge and made her cereal…not too hard, a bit time consuming but 1/4 cup of ground rice makes enough for a couple of days right now….so not that bad.

I know I always say what a blessing she is, but seriously folks…she’s a huge blessing. I love this little one (and her brothers and sister). They are such a joy to watch grow up.


1 thought on “Ceili Rain’s Five Months

  1. way to go on making your own cereal! :o) BTW- I usually made up enough for a week and it keeps fine in the refrig- after a while it got old for me having to make it too often. I also varied from the recipe with the twins and added more "flour" to the recipes to thicken it up so that it was not as runny. If I can ever get around to it, I'll try to see if I wrote down my "new" amounts and I'll send it to you. Yes…I also agree…she is just too cute. :o)

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