Ceili Rain’s Two Months Old

Don’t mess wit’ the best!

12 lbs (80%)
23 3/4 inches long (90%)

Her head is a little small measuring less than 50% but she’s hitting her developmental milestones so Dr. B is not worried. She said that some kids just have really small heads. She is a petite little thing. I know some of you are looking at her numbers thinking I’m lying but all my kids have been in the 95% or higher for height. So, she’s petite for us giants! Looks like she’ll take after my mom’s side of the family (love ya mom).

More interesting Ceili Rain facts. She can go from a coo and smile to a scream in 2.5 seconds or less! We still can’t figure out her eye color. It ranges from a gray blue to green to a light brownish color depending on the light, what she’s wearing, and time of day (actually the latter has nothing to do with it but I needed a third thing to balance out this extremely long sentence). She is the only one of our babies who does not have a cleft chin. It’s kind of odd seeing one of my babies without one actually (oh, and that is a genetic trait passed down from me for anyone curious…I gotta claim somethign on my babies since they look so much like Mark).

Josiah started running a fever yesterday afternoon, so while we were at the doctor’s office, she checked him out (have I mentioned lately how much I love our pediatrician). He’s all clear except he has sores in his throat which means…hand, foot, and mouth disease has descended on our house again. Zoe and Ace have already had it but I’m not sure if Liam has. If he has, then we didn’t notice it. So, he may get it soon. Also, if it’s a different strain then Zoe and Ace could get it as well. Those non mommy’s who read my blog (if you are out there), not to worry, hand food, and mouth (not hoof and mouth) is a viral infection that toddlers love to share with each other. They can get sores/bumps on their hands and feet. My kids never really did but they did get them in their throats and it hurts, a lot. They can also get a little fever with it.

Ceili Rain says, “Thanks Aunt Heather for the cool shirt! It rocks the house…and the swing! My nurses raved over it!”

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