Field Trip!!!

My kids have no concept of what this means and I pondered whether I had lost my mind this morning as we set out to a local art museum for Toddler Thursdays. Then I remembered that I have no brain to speak of…so I was good 🙂

Anyway, after getting lost and ending up at the city history museum, we made it to the art museum and headed over to hear the end of the talk about color (which Zoe and Ace already know but I thought they’d have fun. Then we went to do our art activity. It turned out better than I expected.

Zoe, Ace, and Liam all made bubble art. Zoe called her’s “Bubbles of Art.” Ace called his something that was incoherent (he makes up his own language sometimes).

So here’s what ya do:
Take some dishwashing soap and drop some food coloring in it. Have the child (or you if you child doesn’t know how to blow yet) blow bubbles then place a piece of paper/cardstock on top of the bubbles. It makes really cool designs.

We only saw one child suck instead of blow and taste some yummy soap. Liam was very good at letting me blow for him and when I wasn’t paying attention he’d call out “bow, bow peas” Just a couple of spills on our part and we were good.

After the art activity, I took them around the museum. It had a lot of wonderful, beautiful paintings that Zoe and I enjoyed looking at and Ace kept wanting to touch. Liam was firmly strapped into the stroller (I may have lost my mind but I know what’s smarts!) and Josiah was napping in the stroller. Ace about gave the security guys a heart attack but they left us alone for the most part and Ace enjoyed holding my hand most of the way through. As we were walking around, Zoe said she wanted to be an artist when she grew up. Surprise, surprise!! I can’t wait to see her face when she sees what “Santa” is bringing.

After the art museum we decided to head over and see what our city history museum held. To be honest, I can’t tell you about the history of our city, but I can tell you they had a cool train engine locomotive and car and a streetcar and a really great little play area that held the three olders attention while I breastfed Josiah.

So, that’s been our day and I’m hoping the kids get a nice long nap so they can play with daddy while I go out with MOPS.


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