First Day…and Some Kids Need Personal Assistants!

for Ballet!!! Zoe and Ace were so excited. We have classes in the morning at the same time. Zoe was able to go through her workbooks (unhurried) before we left.

I was able to watch Ace’s class the whole time. He was a bit timid but he really enjoyed it. He keeps saying, “I had sooo much fun in ballet!” Miss Kathleen (his teacher) said that he did really well. She said he kept talking about Narnia and how watch it (more like read it…we’re on book five now!) a lot. He got to dance around with a sword but to me it looked like he was walking around with it. They made sure he didn’t do any of the “girly” stuff. Always had a sword while the girls had wands or fairy wings. I really love this place.

Zoe said she got to go in the big girl class this time. She said she jumped over water with big jumps and little jumps. Her teachers are allowing them to bring stuffed animals or dolls next week to “watch” them dance. I wish I could watch her. She sounded like she had a really good time too.

I love the moms in this class time. The last one, they had their own thing going and rarely spoke to me. These moms were a lot more social!

One of the little girl’s in Ace’s class is 2. She’ll be three next month…read this carefully…Her nanny said she is in three dance classes (at three different places), preschool, and gymnastics. Her mother wanted her to take swimming lessons but they just couldn’t fit it in to their schedule. I asked her if she ever spends time with her family and she said all of her classes were during the day, so that left “family” time in the evening. Wow! I could not imagine putting all that work and pressure on my child or children. She’s going to need therapy for stress by the time she’s four!

My little soap box time: I strongly believe that family should come first…I also am faced with the stark reality that a very small minority of children will grow up to become “stars” whether that’s in sports or arts. Read that again…small minority. What’s the point in over scheduling your child?! What are the end means? To keep them busy? I just don’t get it. We allow the kids one extra activity (outside of church) per year…not per season but per year. As they get older, I understand they will need to be active all year (for instance, my dad asks that his football players participate in a spring sport to keep active and stay fit) and that will be fine for then, but they are 4 and 3…what more do they need other than the socialization?! And I want them to think that what they do in ballet is fun and not work…again, they are 4 and 3. People wonder why kids are so stressed or not wanting to do things…they stay so busy and occupied with other things besides what’s important…God and family.

I’ll step down now! I just got a picture of Zoe because Ace was in a huff…I’ll try and catch him smiling next time.


1 thought on “First Day…and Some Kids Need Personal Assistants!

  1. Wow, if my kids were that scheduled I’d need a nanny too! I could barely make it to swim lessons for 2 weeks!!!

    Love all the pics–Josiah is super cute! 🙂 Wish I’d have a baby one of these days…. tomorrow’s the due date–like that means anything…. 🙂


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