Growing Up

So, on the way home from church Sunday night, Zoe decided to have a conversation with me about Jesus.

“Jesus does miracles, mom.”
“Yes. What’s a miracle Zoe?” (I was sure she wouldn’t understand what a miracle was)
“When Jesus heals people.”
We kept talking about all the other miracles did. I would name some and then Zoe would name some. Somehow we got on the subject of Jesus dying on the cross.
“Why did Jesus have to die?” she asked.
“So that we could be with Him and God forever.” We talked about how our sin keeps us from being with God forever but that when we ask Jesus into our hearts, that covers up all of our bad stuff. I went on to tell her that when she thought she was ready to ask Jesus into her heart that she could talk to mommy or daddy about it and we could talk some more. I was so pumped with her knowledge of God’s love and how close she is getting to “hearing” His call on her life to come to Him. All of you who know me will know that when she asks Jesus into her heart I’m going to be bawling like a baby!!

Okay, on to a funny growing up story. With all the birthday parties, Ace is really starting to talk about his age. At dinner the other night this was the conversation that could be overheard.
“Ace you’re going to be three really soon.”
“I don’t wan to be twee.” (insert whine)
“Okay, we’ll call all your friends and tell them you’re not going to have a party and take back all your party stuff and not get your gift…”
“I want to be TWEE. I want to be TWEE.”
Yea, I thought that might change his mind!!

And lastly…
Liam and Josiah had well checks today. Liam’s 18 month check up and Josiah’s 2 week check up.

First up, Liam. Stats: 23 lbs 6 oz (10-25%…improvement, yea!), 33 inches long (50-75%…big improvement), and 18 3/4 inches in head (50%, about the same). She was so happy with his development and got a good laugh out of his climbing and daredevil antics. She called him the “wild child” and I think that nickname may stick. No ear infections and all looks healthy. We talked about his small vocabulary but at this point there is to be no concern. My main concern is that he’s trying to say words but they don’t come out really clear. However, she said that they look for him to be understood about half the time by the time he is two.

Now, Josiah. Stats: 10 lbs 13 oz (90%), 23 1/8 inches long (97%), 15 1/8 inches in head (75%). He’s doing good, too. No major concerns. I have noticed that his reflux is a little bit more now. He is congested after eating and when he spits up it’s a lot…but it’s not every time he eats and so it does not warrant medicine at this point. He’s also not fussy with the spit up. Mark and I did notice that he was getting fussy and really gassy at night so I stopped drinking oj and he did MUCH better last night. Now for the early morning alertness that occurred today…


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