
Well, I’m in the full blown throws of first trimester pregnancy. I haven’t officially been “sick” (not counting the stomach bug I had)…but the nausea has been overwhelming at times. Here are some things that I find funny about this pregnancy and nausea:

  1. It doesn’t matter if I’ve taken a nap in the afternoon or not, I will always start to slow down and want to crash around 8:30 p.m.
  2. I can not drink soft drinks at all without them making me extremely nauseous. In fact, any flavored drink makes me nauseous. It’s just water for now (which is not an entirely bad thing)!
  3. Foods that can curb the nausea:
    1. chocolate (especially chocolate ice cream)…I find this extremely weird since chocolate is supposed to be so bad for you, but it works, in moderation
    2. cheese…I’m craving cheese really badly. The thought of a cheese pizza just makes my mouth water!
    3. pickles…yep, the good old stand by.

Of course, I do not like all of these together, and too much of one would probably cause what I’m trying to avoid, but these make the first trimester very bareable. And with these three being my main source of comfort, I’m probably going to have to be rolled in to the doctor’s office at my next visit! At least pickles are fat free (I think)!

I’m going to update the website with Thanksgiving pics after I work on my “to-do list” some more.


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