I’m Tagged

Okay, Chad from Chad & Chrissy’s blog tagged me. Here are five things no one knows about me and five places I wonat to visit in teh US and five places I want to visit outside the US.

1. My favorite ice cream dessert in the whole world is a Fanta Strawberry float (ice cream and Fanta strawberry soda). My next favorite is the Baskin Robbins Chocolate Blast…oh my, yum yum!

2. I am absolutely obsessed with watching the Duggars (the Arkansas family that has 17 children) specials and Jon & Kate Plus 8 (the ones with the twins and sextuplets). I’ll also re-watch the shows and always learn more things. Like this new recipe: Monkey Munch

3. When Mark and I were first married and he was still in school, we lived in the “ghetto” and our neighbors were transvestites (no kidding). His car was keyed by said transvestites and our apartment was burlarized by someone else.

4. The household activity I hate more than anything is dusting…that’s because my sister made me dust when she always got to vaccum…sorry Erin, the truth is out.

5. Here’s my rant for the month: I’m pretty much very tired of being asked if I’m pregnant, having my baby fat belly rubbed, or being asked if we’re through having kids. Since when is our reproductive life everyone else’s business??? For all interested here and to save from the questions, if we get pregnant now, we will but we are definitely not trying. I would like to get in shape, adopt, and have a little bit more time enjoying the kids God has blessed us with before or if God blesses us with another pregnancy. Oh, and for those that just have to ask the most annoying question of all time, “Yes, we know what causes it…why do you think we have had four children in five years :)”

5 Places in the US I want to visit:
1. Seattle
2. Hawaii
3. New York (just to see a Broadway Musical and not Sweeney Todd)
4. Walt Disney World (with the kids for at least a full week)
5. Alaska

5 Places outside the US I want to visit:
1. Ireland
2. Israel and tour where Jesus walked (stole this from Chad)
3. China
4. Wherever we adopt from
5. Canada and see where Anne of Green Gables was filmed

I tag…hmmm…Shannon, Lisa, Vonda, Carrie, and Jackie!! Have fun!

It’s hard coming up with stuff when I pretty much lay it all out there.


2 thoughts on “I’m Tagged

  1. I love the watching the Duggers too. I tape John and Kate plus 8 each week just to make sure I don’t miss it. I love that show, they make me laugh and I’ve learned from it as well.

  2. Okay, Abbie, I have been tagged – thanks! I will get to that this afternoon – it will give me something to ponder while I am grocery shopping this morning. For the record – I would like to know the name of the person who rubbed your non-pregnant stomach so that I can beat them up for you:)! That’s just wrong. And I also want to join you on your rant for a moment if I may — you know when you get married the next day people ask “when are you going to start a family”. Then you start a family and they say “don’t you know what is causing that?”. What is up with that. Ok, calmy stepping down off of my soapbox and back onto my own blog!!!:)

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