June Randoms

We had a lot of random things going on in June! Zoe decided to go for the ultimate sour sno-ball from our local sno-ball place.  It turned her tongue electric blue! Emmie decided to put a lego piece in her mouth.  And promptly swallowed it.  We never saw  it come out the other end but we’re pretty certain it did.  I took her to the ER because we always freak out when it comes to Emmie’s airway…stupid tumors. Not the exact lego…just a replica. Tobin because…cuteness. This girl is absolutely adorable! Tobin learned to crawl into cabinets. The boys on their “guys night” with junk food and a movie. Lego time means everyone pretty much gets along. Miss Kristina is back in town!  Tobin was thrilled as you can plainly see. Emmie was a brave girl during her ophthalmologist check up.  Her strabismus (eye turning in) is not correcting with plain glasses.  So, we went to the next step, bifocals. Of course, that meant another eye dilation.  She was so brave and a stop for an icee and Target Dollar Spot cleared up the tears.

Tobin made friends with Ringo, the robot vacuum. Building with Suspend.  It’s a super fun game but also fun to just see how you can balance the sticks. Malachi wanted to write a note to Papa when he heard that he was sick.

Mark’s birthday/father’s day present was the farewell concert of Third Day.  Since nursing babies probably won’t enjoy loud concerts, he asked his college roommate.  They had an absolute blast and got to catch up quite a bit on the drive to and from the concert. Lulu is scared of storms.  There were quite a few in June. Tobin got to work sanding the floors in the school room. He was paid in cuddles.
And naps. Best purchase of the swim season were these spray bottles.   White and a belly crawler…nope. You’ll have to zoom in but that passenger seat kind of freaked me out before I realized it was a mask. A stuffed Malachi stuffed with stuffed animals. Smudge, the cat, he likes to visit this cat in the mirror. Every day. Emmie cuddles never get old. We love sno-balls! Liam rescued a turtle that somehow wandered into our backyard. A huge tower. Funny story:  The kids were playing with these and two little girls walked by with their dad.  The girls slightly freaked out.  I apologized to the dad but the dad just lost it laughing.  

Emmie twirling in her new brace!


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