Not doing too good…

Liam’s potty training is pretty much…how shall I say…down the toilet! He’s not quite there but I’m not giving up. He goes quite frequently on the potty but he can’t keep his pants dry nor does that seem to disturb him…all we’ve got is time though.

My ear started bothering me last night and continued through the night. By morning, I realized that I was getting an infection and trekked to the doctor with three semi-obedient children and a grumpy baby. After waiting 2 hours, Liam decided he didn’t like my “shoe stays on when we’re out” rule and kept taking them off and pitching a fit…we got in a room and seen quickly 🙂

Ace has a new saying that he made up all on his own. We’ll call it his “mantra” or “motto” although he rarely lives by it: We get what we get and we don’t pitch a fit. A little explanation: Ace has this attitude that he should receive everything he wants exactly how he wants it. Not sure where that came from because we don’t give in to whining or complaining, but it’s there. So if he doesn’t get what he wants he thinks that he can scream and yell and call us names to get what he wants. Again, that doesn’t happen. After having one of those fit pitching episodes at Wal-Mart today, he started saying that. I like it…we’ll use it 🙂

And for those non-Southerners…pitching a fit means a temper tantrum!


3 thoughts on “Not doing too good…

  1. James’ teacher says that! and I love it. he is the same way as ace lately, except it’s worse hearing it from a SIX year old. bleh. something’s going on in that sweet heart of his I just can’t nail it down. anyway, here’s to hoping our boys internalize that pithy statement!!

    emily j

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