Our Edventure 2011

First off, just gotta say that if you haven’t used Groupon to get daily deals you are missing out.  If you are like me and have totally given up on scrapbooking because of sheer time consumption, then groupon is a great deal.  I’ve got a few groupons out right now to use towards photo books and I bought them for more than half the price!  Totally worth it to just throw pictures in, choose backgrounds and get up to date on our memories being recorded.  I know you scrapbooking purists are choking on your hot tea (who drinks hot tea in one hundred degree weather), but desperate times call for desperate measures.  So, please don’t guilt me into scrapbooking again, I’ve got enough guilt of my own.  Besides that, I get swagbucks for my Groupon deal which is a double rock. 

Anyway, we had a groupon for Edventure in Columbia, SC set to expire at the end of June.  We looked at, scrutinized, and finally figured out that the best time to go would be at the first of the month.

So, without further ado, here’s our trip to Edventure in pictures.

 Weather and News Reporters…
 Even Ceili Rain was taken back by Liam’s astounding skills at grabbing everything he could get his hands on.

 Such a conscientious shopper
 Practicing being a farmer.
 I seriously turned these pictures right and checked them but they came out like this.  You know the drill…turn your head.
Fireman practice
 What’s cuter than one little Bry?  Two of them!  And they both know it!
 Sometimes it’s more fun to ride on the outside of the fire truck.

 Hey ladies, check out my wheels!  Oh yeah!
 Fireman Sam, no, Josiah!
 Turn your head again…That’s Ceili Rain in fireman gear from head to toe!
 Construction work.  Please note:no toddlers were harmed in the operation of this “heavy” equipment.

 Bryant was thoroughly impressed with his siblings construction skills.

And, please note, we are standing on the other side of the room.  Didn’t realize there was sound proof glass in the music room.  But I do know why! 

Did you notice my kids attire?  I finally gave in and at 8 o’clock the night before, was scouring Target looking for matching shirts.  I decided safety was the best way to go so everyone is in yellow.  How can you not spot a Bunch of Characters in yellow shirts, especially if one has strayed?  If you’ll notice, Ace is in a striped yellow shirt because, at 8:30 that evening after searching and changing my mind one hundred times, I gave up and let him wear a close-to-matching shirt.  However, that weekend I found a matching yellow shirt and now, all is right with the world.  Look for our bright yellows everywhere.  It’s going to be big people!


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