We Are Here!

Just an update that in the past three weeks we have traveled over 2,000 miles and 36 hours.  That doesn’t count the time that we spent in the various places we traveled to. 

Here’s a quick recap and pictures will come later…not sure how long because I’m trying to decorate for Christmas, re-do the boys’ room, finish up Christmas presents, school, oh yeah, and feed the masses.

So, November 11th we set out early and headed to Williamsburg, VA.  This trip was a jumping off point because Mark had training in Alexandria, VA the next week.  We “piggy backed” on the trip and made a pit stop in Williamsburg for a mini-vacation.  We loved it too!  Leaving Williamsburg on my birthday, the 14th, we headed to the Yankee Candle Flagship Store which is a must in my opinion if you are ever near Williamsburg.  It was there that I left my camera and had to take pictures with my phone and the $10 camera that I purchased at Wal-Mart and is the very definition of cheap…

So we pulled into Alexandria on the 14th and spent that week up until November 18th there.  We took in the sights of D.C..  And since I’m not quite sure how the camera thing will pan out here’s what we did.

Oh, did I mention I had an extra child?  Mark’s co-worker came along and his daughter tagged along with us while the dads were at training.  She learned a lot about being in a big family.  That’s all I’ll say about that.

November 15th:  Metro ride, US Postal Museum, Metro Ride, Air & Space Museum Metro Ride…Hotel…ahhh.
November 16th:  Air & Space Museum (of course on the metro but the 15th was our first day and we have to commemorate that I did not lose or gain any children during the getting on or off the metro.)
November 17th:  Mount Vernon and it was cold ya’ll.  Very cold.  And wet.  But we made it through.
November 18th: The Lyceum in Alexandria which is the history museum of the city.  Nice but after seeing museums all week the little ones were done.

On November 18th, we left Alexandria and drove halfway home  to Raleigh, NC.  Where they were gearing up for the Clemson, UNC game.  Lots of people at the hotel sportin’ their team colors.

On November 19th, we got home, unloaded for three hours and then Zoe and I headed out for the Jamie Grace/TobyMac concert.  My birthday present.  And we had a blast.

Recovered for three days then headed out on November 23rd to do Thanksgiving with my folks, Ge and Granddaddy, my sister and her family.  That.  was. a. blast.    Especially when my mom, my sister, and my self headed out on Thanksgiving night at 10 o’clock to do the Black Friday thing and we didn’t get back until 7:30 or 8 the next morning.  It really was fun!  My mom and sister are a hoot and a half!

Got home on Sunday, the 27th and headed out to do pictures with Tracy!  Can not wait to show those ya’ll.

Recovered a few more days and then headed out to another family visit in Alabama. on December 1st  This time Mark’s folks, Papa & Grandmere, his brother and their cousins (the ones with all those kids).  We rushed home yesterday to try and beat daylight to make it to the Christmas tree farm to pick out our tree.  We succeeded and picked out our tree in record time (like 15 minutes or something).  And it’s beautiful! 

When we got home yesterday the questions started as to how many more days before we traveled again. 

Believe it or not but we’ll be home this weekend and we couldn’t be happier!  But that doesn’t mean we won’t be busy.  We’ll be clearing out and moving out the boys so we can paint their room and start the big room make over.  They are excited.  I’m tired just thinking about it!  But, I’m anxious to get it done because like it or not, there’s another boy that needs to share that room (well, his clothes do for awhile) in just a few short months.


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