What Wednesday Looked Like…

Well, lets take a look back at Wednesday…for your entertainment, of course.

Wednesday was full of staying at home because of the pink eye bug running around. While talking to Mark in the afternoon, I heard Josiah crying in his room. Liam was back there with him, so I figured Liam must of taken a toy or ran over him or whatever. I got off the phone with Mark, disciplined Ace for not obeying and calmly started walking back to the bedroom.

On the way back there, Liam came to me and told me Josiah fell and hurt “his self.” I vaguely remember him saying something about a neck as I walked in the bedroom and found Josiah covered in blood. It was a lot of blood and more than I had ever seen from one of my kids. I started yelling at Liam to tell me what happened while I searched to find the source of the bleed. Experienced moms will tell you, the mouth bleeds the most and looks the worst but is usually not as bad as it looks. That’s where the blood was coming from. I rushed to the kitchen and began cleaning him up, all the while trying to find out from Liam what happened.

From what I gather, Josiah had tried to climb the bunk bed. That’s right, the bunk bed. Mark had him up there horsing around with his brothers (with spotting from Mark) the night before. I guess he wanted to do it again and thought he could climb up there by himself. He didn’t make it far…the blood was only on the first rung on the ladder, so I’m guessing that’s as far as he made it before he hit his mouth.

He’s fine, by the way, only bled for a little bit. He was even able to take his paci and a little ibuprofen to curb any pain from it. He split that little flap of skin on the upper lip that connects the lip tissue to the gum. I’m guessing it would have to of been cut eventually anyway! Yeah, I know it sounds gross. He’s had no problems and bleeding since. I hate mouth bleeds!

And for a finale! Liam cleaned up in his room while I read to Zoe and Ace. We had waited long enough and he still wasn’t done, so I had to start the reading which got him motivated to clean up. However, half way into a story, I realized it had gotten quiet back there so I needed to check on him.

He met me at my bedroom door (not his) and showed me his hands. Covered in make up foundation. As I go to clean him, I notice that there is foundation all over the floor and he also points out that it’s on his face and on his tummy. Cleaned up, disciplined, and under threat never to touch mommy’s make up again, we go to read stories!

And then I was off to my doctor’s appointment, which was uneventful and funny and fun…how many people can actually say they have fun at their ob appointments?! Dr. J said something like, “Long time no see!” I remarked that this was a record for us one whole year from a birth. Nurse D just whacked Mark on the arm and asked him why were were there (smiling of course). Mark told Dr. J that he felt with gas prices rising we should come in and give him a little extra spending money.

And, the lab worker there goes to our church and popped by to tell me she thought I was pregnant two weeks ago…and not because of my belly! She said she had noticed “the glow” when I passed by a couple of weeks ago.

Dr. J just talked to us and answered questions…like we had any, but we did have a couple (about exercising no less). Then he loaded me up with some prenatal vitamins. Which I noticed had a stool softener in them…um, I failed to see that so I might have to mention to him that we are milling our own flour and eating lots of fruits and veggies these days so maybe I should lay off the softener and stick with it au natural to avoid any painful potty times…I know too much information, but as I love to read on other’s blogs, it’s my blog, I can put what I want to!

I get to go back in a couple weeks for a “regular appointment” and for him to fill out our adoption paperwork (which really floored him…in a good way…I actually think he may have been thinking, “Better you than me!” He’s a great doctor and gets a kick at how many kids we have and is impressed by our parenting…like all five minutes he’s seen)…and hopefully to check on the baby or, as my sister-in-law is hoping for, babies….more on my thoughts on that later. This is already a long blog post.


2 thoughts on “What Wednesday Looked Like…

  1. I think I know which Dr J you are talking about and I just LOVE him! I see Dr. S there and love her too! But Dr.J helped me thru my miscarriage back in ’01 and he was simply fabulous! Plus he will always have a special place in my heart – years ago he wrote a prescription for me – but he wrote it for “Lara Croft” ie. the video game (since then its been made into a movie) can you picture Dr. J blushing…Oh My it was soooo funny!!!!!
    Lara Fort

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