What We’ve Been Up To…

Finally, on Monday, my body and brain decided to start functioning together (after a month of illnesses). I guess it realized that I was in the second trimester and had some energy!

So, after school was finished for the day I tackled a few projects…some of which included recovering our bench that stores the shoes by the door (I have a before picture but haven’t taken an after picture yet), cooking supper and making two homemade (and I do mean homemade) chicken potpies for this month…as well as these two projects!

I attended my first Uppercase Living show a few weeks ago.  While I found some cute things, my mind started racing coming up with my own ideas for designs to go on the walls.  However, Zoe attended with me and we picked out a cute pre-designed picture/saying to go in the girls room.  I have a friend who says I have a weird obsession with closets…and she’s probably right…however, if you want to save space in a room but need a changing table…half of a closet works great!  And so, the girls’ have an area niched out for the changing table (and the boys do to…since they had the nursery area most of the time).  Above is a picture of the girls’ space.  It’s pretty drab.  We had hung a mirror up for Ceili Rain to be entertained by but she mostly just pulled it off the wall. 

And here’s an after!  Simple, yet fun…and it goes great in the girls’ room!  Zoe jumped for joy when she saw it.  I must say that it was pleasantly hard to do and I had a few hiccups (and I’m thankful that the camera does not show the ladybug’s crooked leg or the s that is a little bunched up) but it’s a closet and if they don’t like it, it can be covered up.

I can’t wait to get the other Uppercase Living things I’ve ordered thanks to other friends having shows…speaking of which…I need someone to have another show by the end of March so I can get at least one more thing I’ve designed!  More about that later.

Next up was something Mark has requested I do.

He has asked that we put up Bible verses all over the house.  I’m coming up with my own creative ways of doing this.  I started basic with a digital scrapbook 8X11 page of the Deuteronomy 6 which is beside our door.
And then, I saw on etsy someone had created these pretty graphic canvases with Scripture on them.  Of course none of them had the Scripture verses that we have discussed (thus far).  And they were very expensive (over $50), so I tried my hand at it…

Cost breakdown:
Digital scrapbooking kit (that can be used again and again and again and is found here):  under $6
16X16 Rolled Canvas from uprinting:  $20 (free shipping…yippee)
Stretch Canvas frame:  under $6
Ribbon and hot glue to attach canvas to frame:  FREE!  I already had it.

Total cost:  $32!

Much better deal and way cheaper than trying to get it from a commercial photo company or etsy!
I thought the canvas was coming with a 2 inch border so I could wrap it around the frame.  But it didn’t.  So, I improvised and glued it to the frame.  Put raffia around the edge and white grossgrain ribbon around the outside of the frame and stapled the ribbon to hang it by.  I absolutely love it.  It’s in our kitchen and so every time I enter in the kitchen I see it and remember what I need to do and why!  I can’t wait to create more (and you can personalize the sizes to meet your needs at uprinting)…I’ve got another creative way to hang verses coming up…stay tuned.


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