August Randoms

DSC_2560 Y loved Sunny and just had to get a picture with her before he left.DSC_2562

Papa & Grandmere’s church (also the church Mark grew up in), sent a sweet gift basket to Emmie.  She was thrilled to open it.IMG_20150803_121849_178 Army dude dress up!IMG_20150815_075338_358 (1) A bit of selfies before Mama headed back to the hospital.IMG_20150815_151719743 IMG_20150815_152034235 I got a car!IMG_20150822_105045956

Shopping for a bigger stroller for Emmie.  Looking at books for the rest of the gang.


Summer Pictures

Our friend, Tracy, agreed to grab some quick pictures of the kids.  The downside was that it was over 100 degrees with humidity and Tracy had an allergy attack.  So, while, the pictures were not the best.  They provide a great memory and she did a great job editing them.  We’ll call these their official school pictures.  Enjoy!

Zoe, 7th GradeDSC_0062 (2)DSC_0052

Ace, 6th Grade

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Liam, 4th Grade

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Josiah, 3rd Grade

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Y the Brave, 3rd Grade

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Ceili Rain, 1st Grade

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Bryant, Kindergarten

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Malachi, Pre-K

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Emmie, Super-hero Training Level 1

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And  our “class” shots.

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Beach Livin’

We had planned a beach trip for the week before Y the Brave was to leave.  Obviously, when Emmie fell, we had to change our plans.  We contacted the place we had already reserved our rental with.  It “just so happened” that he had it open the weekend before her procedure.  When Mark explained what was going on, the owner was more than willing to change our reservation.  It was a true blessing and a great house to stay in at a great price!

This was Y the Brave’s first time at the ocean.  The kids would have all stayed in the ocean the entire time if we had let them.

DSC_2436 DSC_2443 Zoe and I scored a skimming board at Goodwill earlier in the summer.  By the end of the weekend, a couple of the kids were getting the hang of it.DSC_2447 Malachi was not thrilled about actually getting deep in the water.  But making super poses on the beach were just as good.DSC_2450 DSC_2455 DSC_2459 DSC_2466 DSC_2467 DSC_2480 Emmie didn’t much care for the water either.DSC_2482 DSC_2486 DSC_2487 DSC_2491 Cuddling with mama was on Emmie’s agenday much of th etie.DSC_2492 My absolutely favorite picture of us.

DSC_2528 DSC_2529 DSC_2535 DSC_2541 DSC_2556 We worked really hard to get a picture before we left.  But there’s always that one kid…this time it was Malachi’s turn.IMG_20150809_142549377Honey, we shrunk the kids…
IMG_20150809_142556547 IMG_20150809_142618811…Into starfishIMG_20150809_142635591_HDR IMG_20150809_142658303 IMG_20150809_142702203 IMG_20150809_152530436

A gentleman walked up to Y in the arcade and gave him tokens to play.  Needless to say, the kids had a wonderful time with those tokens.IMG_20150809_174446294 IMG_20150809_174458141 Emmie loved the pool water even if the big ocean scared her.IMG_20150809_174735305

Our little swing at the beach house filled with Emmie’s super sidekicks.


Play Ball!

One of the highlights of the summer reading program is free tickets to Augusta Greenjackets baseball game.  The game came the week after Emmie’s emergency trip and just before her halo traction.  The problem we had was that we only had five tickets but there were eleven of us (counting Y the Brave).  A neighbor had offered to get tickets for people through his work and we contacted him on a whim.  Not only did he get us the extra tickets, but he got us tickets in reserved seating.  On the first base line.

Oh ya’ll.  The looks on all of our kids faces when they met the baseball players and saw the action up close and personal.  It is definitely something I won’t soon forget.  We all had a wonderful time.  Got bobblehead dolls and watched our Y the Brave experience America’s past time for the the first time.  Their biggest highlight was not having to stand in line at concession and getting the unlimited popcorn and soda!

DSC_2427 DSC_2430 DSC_2431 DSC_2432 DSC_2434 IMG_20150807_203521076About the sixth inning, it started pouring.  I mean really pouring.  We all raced to the covered stadium, danced and laughed.  This was definitely a wonderful memory before all the stress and uncertainty.


His Name Would Have Been Isaac

He was due between March 27th and April 1st.  But, because the early ultrasound showed the due date close to April 1st and I was likely going to be able to pick a due date since this was almost definitely going to be a repeat c-section, I told Mark we would go for April 1st.  I was excited about the name Isaac.  It means laughter.  How appropriate to deliver a baby boy on a fun day, April Fool’s Day and to rejoice in laughter at the gift of a baby.   We were ready for laughter.  It has been a hard year.

Things were going good.  Emmie was doing great and we were winding down and getting ready to say good-bye to Y the Brave (as much as we dreaded it).  Then Emmie fell.  And we were in the hospital for the most of August.  I thought things were going well for Baby Isaac as morning sickness had settled in and I had, virtually, a week of bed rest while taking care of Emmie.

On the day Emmie was discharged, I had a red flag that things weren’t going as great as we thought for the baby.  That was a Friday.  The red flags kept coming throughout the weekend.   The confirmation came on Monday at the doctor’s office.  The day before Y the Brave returned to Europe.  Baby Isaac was gone.  His beautiful little heart that was so strong at just under six weeks had stopped beating.

The day after we said goodbye to Y the Brave, Mark and I quietly said goodbye to another baby.  We had him at the same hospital I have had ten (almost eleven…the eleventh, of course born to a wonderful mama in another country) of my babies and his earthly body is resting with his brother’s in a beautiful garden that holds all the remains of precious lives that never got to walk this earth.

We didn’t tell the kids until recently.  Our pastor knew and our close friends and family knew.  But, we have held this secret for every one else until now.  My heart has been aching to share.  To let people know there was a beautiful child here and that he isn’t now.  October is Miscarriage and Stillborn Awareness Month and I have seen post after post that cried out to me and let me know that I was not alone.  I wanted to shout at the mamas who shared that they were not alone.  That the feelings were still raw and real here too.  Yet we have grieved ever so silently for this life that we feel is gone too soon.

And then come the gender reveals and announcements of pregnancies because mamas feel that the pregnancy is “out of the woods” for problems.  I have rejoiced over and over with my amazing sweet friends.  Especially those who have walked this all too familiar road and are now anticipating a beautiful little one.  But the tears still come for our little one who we won’t meet.  This first year after a loss is so hard.  Please forgive me dear friends if the comments are short and quick.  Please know we rejoice but know we also think about our little Isaac who is not here.

I know we have a lot to deal with with our children here on earth and our adoption and Super Ems.  But our Baby Isaac, although a surprise, was very much wanted and loved.

So, we rejoice over Isaac.  That we’ll see him again.  And that he is in a much better place than we could ever imagine.  I grieve over Isaac.  Never having been able to hold his beautiful body.  Kiss his sweet cheek.  Watch his brothers and sisters ooh and aah over him.  And we trust that God is the giver of Life and is with us through death too.


July Kid Randoms

Photo dump time for July!

DSC_2178 DSC_2394 IMG_20150701_133548_443 IMG_20150702_151610_896 I love having kitchen helpers.IMG_20150706_174308_137 Trying okra for the first time.  It got two thumbs up too!


First Krispy Kreme.  Yep.  Two thumbs up as well.IMG_20150714_094045 IMG_20150714_134138

Double pig tails!  She finally has enough hair.
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Fort sticks…one of the best and most fun toys we own!

IMG_20150720_072116_266 Waiting to get fingerprints with immigration.  Our selfies are awesome.IMG_20150720_192954_908 IMG_20150720_193024_798 Rain shower in the summer means ice cream break in the garage.

IMG_20150721_091216_382 My hearts.IMG_20150721_200436709 Opening a gift of a watch from a friend.

IMG_20150723_094634 Curled up with Babbitt the Rabbit, unnamed pony and Dr. Snuggles.  IMG_20150723_160424_985 First milkshakes

IMG_20150727_140628_493 Lego Junior building success with two funny brothers.IMG_20150727_140635_875 IMG_20150728_194334_450

“Hello!”  Practicing her phone skills early.IMG_20150729_131705_220 IMG_20150729_131708_354 Playing in the rain.IMG_20150730_200343244 Posing before bed.


Early morning snuggles.


Passport Outtakes

As long as everything works out, we will be taking Zoe with us on a trip.  To do that special trip, she needed a passport.  To get a passport, she needed a passport photo.  Because we are cheapos (okay, thrifty), we did the pictures ourselves.  Here’s our outtakes:


This is her teenage look.
DSC_2380 Lovely…Then we realized the background is  patterned and you aren’t supposed to show teeth.  Not sure why since teeth are pretty distinctive. DSC_2399 DSC_2412 Solid background gone wrong.  DSC_2415

Are you taking my picture or what?




Happy 5th Birthday, Bryant!

Ack, suddenly my big baby boy is now 5.  Not sure how that happened so fast.DSC_2236My little man went easy on mama for his cake request:
DSC_2259 Ice cream cake.  We made plans on his date night.  He knew exactly what he wanted and he was thrilled when he got it.DSC_2260 Over the course of birthday discussions at the beginning of the summer, we realized that Bryant had never built a bear.  This, my friends, is how we create traditions.  We decided that 5 years of age is a great age to build a bear and so, subsequent five year olds in our family will be able to create their own stuffed animals.  This suited Bryant just fine.IMG_20150723_170058670 IMG_20150723_170312073 IMG_20150723_170648616

He chose a Superman bear with a Superman outfit and the Star Wars theme song.  Oh  yes he did.


Pool Party

Summertime and the pool.  Ahhh, we absolutely love living in a neighborhood where we can walk less than half a mile to the pool and jump in.  Yes, we have to pay for upkeep but we, personally, are not responsible for the chemicals and cleaning of the pool.  I just love that.

All the kids were thrilled to have several pool days during this summer.  One of those days, Mark took the camera and got some great shots.DSC_2149 DSC_2154

Mid-airDSC_2155 DSC_2163 DSC_2164 DSC_2172 Be still my heart…Y the Brave knows just what to do to make mama freak out!DSC_2175 This was a much better jump.DSC_2176
