
Woohoo! There is a new couple that has been visiting our church and came to our Sunday school class. I was talking with them afterwards with three of the fab five while Mark pulled the van around.

The wife knew how many kids I had so she was telling her husband. His eyes got big.

“Wow! You don’t look that old.”

Ahhh! That was so nice. Now I know why I dyed my grays!

He was very impressed that they were six and under. And then when they found out that Zoe was just six, they were very surprised. Zoe was the same height as their eight year old. As we were leaving, Zoe said, “Mama, people always say I’m tall.”

I never realize how tall she is until she’s up next to someone who is a few years older and she’s close to their height. She and her cousin, who is 9, can wear the same clothes (although they are a tiny bit shorter on my niece)!


1 thought on “Compliments!

  1. Laura and Zoe have that in common, she is as tall as her 8 year old cousin, and she asked the other day, “How tall is a 6 year old supposed to be anyways?”

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