Let it Snow…In Atlanta

We were blessed to be able to visit our family in Atlanta the weekend it snowed.  The weekend it snowed, it happened to snow over 8 inches!  Driving in the day after the snow was a bit worrisome but we made it fine for our Christmas celebrations with some of Abbie’s side of the family. Going up the very snowed over driveway.  We didn’t dare try to make it all the way around and stopped before it got really icy. Emmie was beside herself.  As soon as we saw the white stuff, she started making plans.  “Somebody’s going to frow snow in my face.  Aggghh  Din we can build a snowman and knock it down and build it again.  Maybe we can cwimb on da cars and get more snow.” Tobin meeting his Aunt Yaya for the first time. Cousin J loves to cuddle up with Emmie. He and Abbie’s cousin-in-law were pretty smitten with Tobin too. Enough with the indoors…time to head outside and get cold! Emmie wanted to throw snow at Ace.  Here she is “throwing” snow at Ace. The main snowman. Emmie and Malachi’s snowman. An attempt at a really big snowman. Cousin E and Aunt Yaya getting some loving.

When we left that evening…it was still very snow covered and beautiful!


O Christmas Tree 2017

We waited until the weekend after Thanksgiving to get our tree.  As a result, a lot of trees had already been chosen. The reindeer freaked out Josiah (I hope ya’ll know I’m kidding), but we managed to track down one tree that we thought was wide enough (but not too wide) and tall enough (but not too tall). Going on a sleigh ride. As it turns out it was the perfect width…but the height…well, this is the tallest tree we have ever had.  It was huge!

But gorgeous!
